Ahcheong Lee

I am a PhD. student at SWTV Lab at KAIST.
I am currently interested in the following research topics:

  • Automated dynamic program state extraction and data-based analysis
    • I implemented a program state extraction tool for C/C++ using LLVM IR transform passes.
      You can extract any memory state of each program execution.
      For example, you can extract values that are used for each function call.
      I am currently working on machine learning-based analysis on extracted state data.
  • Automated test input generation for C/C++
    • I am implementing automated unit driver code generation tool for C++ using Clang APIs.
  • Automated fault localization
    • By analyzing dyanimc execution data, I believe we can localize faults more accurately than relying on static data and coverage.


  • Master’s degree at KAIST (2021.08, Computer Science)
  • Bachelor’s degree at KAIST (2019.08, Computer Science)
  • Hansung science high school (2015.02)


  • Research internship at Hyundai Mobis(2018 Jul.-Aug.)


International conferences and journals

  1. A.Lee, Y.Choi, S.Hong, Y.Kim, K.Cho, and M.Kim, ZigZagFuzz: Interleaved Fuzzing of Program Options and Files, (ACM TOSEM, accepted)
  2. A.Lee, I.Ariq, Y.Kim, and M.Kim, POWER: Program Option-Aware Fuzzer for High Bug Detection Ability (ICST 22) [slides]

Domestic conferences and journals

  1. L.Zhang, 이아청, 김문주, Challenges in Automated Unit Testing of Complex C++ Programs, Korea Software Congress (KSC 23)
  2. 이아청, 김윤호, 김문주, 커맨드 라인 옵션을 변이 및 선택하여 테스팅 효과를 높이는 퍼징 기법, Journal of KIISE, Vol.49, Num. 11, Nov 2022
  3. 이아청, 김윤호, 김문주, 유용한 커맨드 라인 옵션을 선택하여 커버리지와 오류 탐지 능력을 높이는 퍼징 기법, Korea Software Congress (KSC 21) (Best paper award)
  4. 이아청, 김윤호, 김문주, 동적 함수 관련도를 이용한 퍼징 커버리지 향상 기법, Journal of KIISE, Vol.48, Num. 4, Apr 2021
  5. 이아청, 김윤호, 김문주, 함수 관련도를 이용한 퍼징의 커버리지 향상, Korea Software Congress (KSC 19) (Best paper award)
  6. 이아청, 김현우, 김윤호, 김문주, Bitfield 심볼릭 지원을 통한 Concolic 테스팅 효과 향상, Korea Computer Congress (KCC 18)


  1. Ahcheong Lee, Best Master’s Thesis Award at School of Computing, KAIST, 함수 관련도를 이용한 퍼징의 커버리지 향상, Feb 2022
  2. Ahcheong Lee, Encouragement Award (장려상) at the 13th The Electronic Times ICT paper contest (제13회 전자신문 ICT 논문 공모 대제전), POWER: Program Option-Aware Fuzzer for High Bug Detection Ability, Dec 17, 2021.
  3. 이아청, 김윤호, 김문주, Best paper award (우수논문상), 유용한 커맨드 라인 옵션을 선택하여 커버리지와 오류 탐지 능력을 높이는 퍼징 기법, Korea Software Congress (KSC 21)
  4. Ahcheong Lee, Best Poster Award at the 4th year Samsung DS-KAIST Joint Meeting (삼성전자DS-KAIST 전략산학 4차년도 최종교류회), Function Grouping을 통한 Fuzzing의 테스트 커버리지 향상 기술, Aug 20, 2019
  5. 이아청, 김윤호, 김문주, Best paper award (우수논문상), 함수 관련도를 이용한 퍼징의 커버리지 향상, Korea Software Congress (KSC 19)


  1. Automated LLVM IR instrumentation for complex C++ program analysis, SW disaster center workshop, 2022 (slides)
  2. Fuzzing with diverse program option configurations, SW disaster center workshop, 2023 (slides)


  1. Participating in STAAR project (SW disaster center), 2022-
  2. Participating in Machine learning-based program state transformation modeling for SW bug detection project funded by NRF, 2024-
  3. Participated in Logic-based and search-based dynamic testing project funded by LIGNex1, 2022-2024
  4. Participated in Effective and efficient SW unit fuzzing for regression testing project funded by NRF, 2021-2024
  5. Participated in Intelligent automation techniques for code-based verification of fullstack software project funded by NRF, 2018-2021

Review activities

Subreview activities

  1. ICSE 2025, research track
  2. TOSEM 2024
  3. ESEC/FSE 2024, industry track
  4. ESEC/FSE 2023, research track
  5. ISSTA 2023, research track
  6. ICST 2023, research track
  7. ESEC/FSE 2022, industry track
  8. ICSE 2021, research track